Combined Matric Level Examination is conducted by the staff Selection Commission for the different post arising in the various Government Departments. Mainly the examination is conducted for the recruitment of divisional clerk, Grade C and Grade D for the central departments like Secretariat Services, Election Commission of India, Central Vigilance Commission, income tax and Railway etc. It is a national level examination conducted every year in the selected centres across the country.
The candidates qualifying the preliminary stage can take the main exam and one passes the main can sit for the skill test.
Topics will be given to the candidates and they have to write an essay on the topics in the prescribed format.
The Indian nationals having the Matric qualification from a recognized board can apply for the combined SSC examination. The age limit of the applicant can be between 18 and 27 years. The consideration and relaxation for the eligible category can vary according to the government rules and norms.
The aspirants should apply for the examination in the prescribed application form. The notification for the SSC combined Matric level examination is available from the month of December in the Employment news and other prominent dailies. The candidates can use the application form published along with the notification details.
Names & Codes of Posts, Classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay, Nature of Physical Disabilities permissible for the posts are:
Post | Ministries | Classification | Grade Pay(GP) |
Assistant | Central Secretariat Service | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | Central Vigilance Commission | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | Intelligence Bureau | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | Ministry of Railway | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | Ministry of External Affairs | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant (Cypher) | Ministry of External Affairs | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | AFHQ | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | Other Ministries / Departments / Organisations | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant | Other Ministries / Departments / Organisations | Group “B” | 4200 |
Inspector | Income Tax CBDT | Group ““C” | 4600 |
Inspector | Central Excise | ||
Inspector (Preventive Officer) | CBEC | Group “B” | 4600 |
Inspector (Examiner) | CBEC | Group “B” | 4600 |
Assistant Enforcement Officer | Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue | Group ““C” | 4600 |
Sub Inspectors | Central Bureau of Investigation | Group ““C” | 4200 |
Inspector of Posts | Department of Post | Group “B” | 4200 |
Divisional Accountant | Offices under CAG | Group ““C” | 4200 |
Statistical InvestigatorGr.II | Statistics & Prog Implementation | Group “B” | 4200 |
Inspector | Central Bureau of Narcotics | Group “B” | 4200 |
II. Posts for which Interview cum Personality Test is NOT prescribed: Pay Band - I: Rs. 5200 - 20200
Post | Ministries | Classification | Grade Pay(GP) |
Auditor | Offices under C&AG | Group “C” | 2800 |
Auditor | Offices under CGDA | Group “C” | 2800 |
Auditor | Offices under CGA & others | Group “C” | 2800 |
Accountant / Junior Accountant | Offices under C&AG | Group “C” | 2800 |
Accountant / Junior Accountant | Offices under CGA & others | Group “C” | 2800 |
Upper Division Clerk | Central Govt. Offices / Ministries other than CSCS cadres. | Group “C” | 2400 |
Tax Assistant | CBDT | Group “C” | 2400 |
Tax Assistant | CBEC | Group “C” | 2400 |
Compiler | Registrar General of India | Group “C” | 2400 |
Sub - Inspector | Central Bureau of Narcotics | Group “C” | 2400 |